A One-Of-A-Kind Intellectual Odyssey

Individual Literature is more than a class.
It's a conversation with three participants: a student, a teacher, and a great book. It has no textbooks, no lectures, no worksheets, no busywork. There is nothing to distract you from the beauty, the wisdom, and the profundity of the world's inherited literary wealth.
It follows the oldest method of learning in history: one teacher, one student. Its curriculum ranges from the misty history of ancient Mesopotamia to the most cutting-edge global writers of the 21st century. There are no cracks for any student to fall through in Individual Literature. There is no better way to catalyze profound intellectual growth and transformation. Learn the same way Socrates taught his students in ancient Athens at the dawn of Western philosophy.
Take the plunge: encounter literature through the guidance and mentorship of an experienced, devoted personal teacher.

Course Description

Individual Literature is a weekly, Socratic-discussion-based, one-on-one class. The student and teacher select texts to read together within the framework of a flexible grade-level curriculum. The student analyzes each assignment in a written literature journal; journal prompts may be assigned at the teacher’s discretion.
During class, the teacher offers guiding questions and contextualizing information as the student discusses their understanding of the reading. The student is evaluated solely on their journal entries and in-class conversations, with no quizzes or final test.
Individual Literature combines with English Composition to jointly satisfy the core English requirement.

Individual Literature for Homeschool, Part-Time, and Non-Traditional Students

The Individual Literature experience is available for non-enrolled students as a stand-alone, accredited academic class.
Eighth graders through adults of any age can explore the vast and transformative worldwide literary tradition through this one-of-a-kind class. Cultivate your love of literature while honing critical and analytical thinking skills.
Individual Literature can augment both homeschool curricula or studies through another school -- or be taken for the sheer joy of immersing oneself in literature with an exceptional personal mentor.
The a la carte rate is $115 per session, with special pricing for packages of 6, 9, or 12 sessions. We offer both in-person and distance-learning options - don't let location be the barrier that keeps you from experiencing an intellectual offering like no other!